Фантастика стр. 243

Es ist nicht leicht, ein Gott zu sein скачать
Es ist nicht leicht, ein Gott zu seinStrugatzki Arkadij und boris

Anton ist Soziologe und lebt getarnt als Adliger namens Rumata auf einem fremden Planeten, welcher sich noch tief im Feudalismus befindet. Er darf sich als...

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Bad Medicine скачать
Bad MedicineSheckley Robert

A man looking for psychotherapy is accidentally sold a Martian therapeutic machine — with unexpected consequences.First published in Galaxy 1956/7The story was published...

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Overtime скачать
OvertimeStross Charles

A short story

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A Maze of Death скачать
A Maze of DeathDick Philip Kindred

Fourteen strangers came to Delmak-O. Thirteen of them were transferred by the usual authorities. One got there by praying. But once they arrived on that planet whose...

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Reality Dysfunction — Emergence скачать
Reality Dysfunction — EmergenceHamilton Peter F.

A nightmare with no end .... In AD2600 the human race is finally beginning to realise its full potential. Hundreds of colonised planets scattered across the galaxy host...

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Vacuum Diagrams скачать
Vacuum DiagramsStephen Baxter

Ironically, you’ll probably appreciate Vacuum Diagrams most after you’ve put it down. The prolific and acclaimed Stephen Baxter has always been praised for his...

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A Second Chance at Eden скачать
A Second Chance at EdenHamilton Peter F.

The stories assembled for this collection are set in the universe of Night’s Dawn trilogy. Now, they form a series of snapshot glimpses into the history of the...

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Neutronium Alchemist — Consolidation скачать
Neutronium Alchemist — ConsolidationHamilton Peter F.

Not every fallen angel comes from heaven... The ancient menace has finally escaped from Lalonde, shattering the Confederation's peaceful existence. Those who succumbed...

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Neutronium Alchemist — Conflict скачать
Neutronium Alchemist — ConflictHamilton Peter F.

Not every fallen angel comes from heaven... The ancient menace has finally escaped from Lalonde, shattering the Confederation's peaceful existence. Those who succumbed...

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Engines Of God скачать
Engines Of GodМакдевитт Джек, McDevitt Jack

By the end of the twenty-second century, Earth's ravaged environment has become a time bomb ticking down to global self-destruction. Despite the fortuitous arrival of...

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Trading in Danger скачать
Trading in DangerMoon Elizabeth

Kylara Vatta is the only daughter in a family full of sons, and her father’s only child to buck tradition by choosing a military career instead of joining the family...

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Valiant скачать
ValiantCampbell Jack

\nValiant picks up right where the third book, Courageous, left off, with the Alliance fleet leaving through the Ixion Star System's worm hole to return back to the...

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Starplex скачать
StarplexRobert J. Sawyer

Canadian author Sawyer offers an epic hard-science space adventure full of technical descriptions of starships and physics tempered by human concerns. In the...

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Flag in Exile скачать
Flag in ExileWeber David

Hounded by political enemies and cut to the heart by the death of the man she loved, Honor Harrington has retreated to Grayson to take up her role as Steadholder while...

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Omega Squad: Odds скачать
Omega Squad: OddsTraviss Karen

The story “Omega Squad: Odds” by Karen Traviss first appeared in Star Wars Insider Issue #87, in 2006.

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Neutron Star скачать
Neutron StarNiven Larry

Hugo Best Short Story winner (1967).Asimov Comments on Neutron StarFor the last dozen years or so, what we might call “hard science fiction” has receded somewhat into...

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The Bonehunters скачать
The BonehuntersErikson Steven

The sixth volume in Steven Erikson's truly epic fantasy sequence, The Malazan Book of the Fallen.There's nothing like sweeping up tag-ends to change the world. The Seven...

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Midnight Tides скачать
Midnight TidesErikson Steven

After decades of warfare, the five tribes of the Tiste Edur have united under the rule of the Warlock King of Hiroth. But peace has been exacted at a terrible price - a...

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Snuff Fiction скачать
Snuff FictionRankin Rovert

With all the hassle smokers get nowadays, it's hardly worth it. It's time to move on to something else. Something which doesn't bother anybody else.Yes, snuff is about...

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Fighter Wing скачать
Fighter WingClancy Tom

The #1 New York Times bestselling master of the military genre puts readers right in the cockpit.Tom Clancy's explorations of America's armed forces reveal exclusive,...

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Airborne скачать
AirborneClancy Tom

They are America's front lines--serving proudly in forward areas around the world. Representing the very best from the Army and Air Force, the Airborne Task Force is an...

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Zero Hour скачать
Zero HourClancy Tom

Created by Tom Clancy and Martin Greenberg, written by Jerome Preisler.

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Cybernation скачать
CybernationClancy Tom

In the year 2010, computers are the new superpowers. Those who control them control the world. To enforce the Net Laws, Congress creates the ultimate computer security...

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State Of War скачать
State Of WarClancy Tom

From the #1 New York Times bestselling creators of Op-Center comes a different kind of law enforcement.In the year 2010, computers are the new superpowers.  Those who...

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Mine to Possess скачать
Mine to PossessSingh Nalini

Nalini Singh pulls away another dark layer of sheer desire, revealing passions unknown in her latest novel about the world of the Psy.A woman returns from a leopard...

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The Horus Heresy 5. Fulgrim скачать
The Horus Heresy 5. FulgrimMvNeill Graham

It is the 31st millennium, and humanity is at the peak of its powers. As the Great Crusade, led by Warmaster Horus, continues to conquer the galaxy, Fulgrim, Primarch of...

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Rama Revisited скачать
Rama RevisitedLee Gentry, Clarke Arthur Charles

70 years after the events of Rendezvous with Rama, a second Raman vessel enters our solar system. Its arrival is expected and an expedition is sent to unlock more of...

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The Horus Heresy 11. Fallen Angels скачать
The Horus Heresy 11. Fallen AngelsLee Mike

The Horus Heresy is the Black Library`s premium SF series, telling the story of the civil war that nearly tore the human Imperium apart, ten thousand years ago. This...

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Invincible скачать
InvincibleCampbell Jack

“The Lost Fleet deserves to find a home on your bookshelf”* as New York Times bestselling author Jack Campbell’s space saga hits light speed with an action-packed story...

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Dreadnaught скачать
DreadnaughtCampbell Jack

The Alliance woke Captain John “Black Jack” Geary from cryogenic sleep to take command of the fleet in the century-long conflict against the Syndicate Worlds. Now,...

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Через болота скачать
Через болотаХарви Уильям

Чтобы позвать доктора к больной девочке, гувернантке нужно перейти ночью через болота, где, говорят, обитают привидения. Но ей нашелся провожатый…

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Queen of Blades скачать
Queen of BladesRosenberg Aaron

Former marshal-turned-rebel Jim Raynor has broken away from the power-crazed Emperor Arcturus Mengsk. Enraged over Mengsk`s betrayal of the powerful telepath, Sarah...

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Republic Commando: Triple Zero скачать
Republic Commando: Triple ZeroTraviss Karen

Following the eruption of the bloody Clone Wars at the battle of Geonosis, both sides remain deadlocked in a stalemate that can be broken only by elite warrior teams like...

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Элементарно Знак бесмертия скачать
Элементарно "Знак бесмертия" Алиса и Рукишка Лелик и Кэтт

В городе происходят ряд странных смертей. Два лучших друга берутся за дело. Вскоре они встречают парня Джона и тогда они втроем разгадывают эту тайну...

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El Hobbit скачать
El HobbitTolkien John Ronald Reuel

El mago Gandalf y una compania de enanos han llevado a Bilbo muy lejos de la vida comoda y despreocupada de Bolson Cerrado, y el hobbit se encuentra de pronto...

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У безодні скачать
У безодніУэллс Герберт Джордж

Збірка фантастичних оповідань відомого англійського письменника.

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Слід «Баракуди» скачать
Слід «Баракуди»Тендюк Леонід Михайлович

Експедиція «Гондвана» — 3.«Слід «Баракуди» — заключна частина трилогії «Експедиція «Гондвана», присвяченої пошукам в Індійському океані затонулого материка. Герої...

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«One way ticket…» скачать
«One way ticket…» Сергиевский Константин

Посвящается американскому астронавту Нилу Армстронгу, китайскому луноходу "Юйту" и беспородной русской собаке Лайке.

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Експедиція «Гондвана» скачать
Експедиція «Гондвана»Тендюк Леонід Михайлович

Експедиція «Гондвана» — 1Науково-дослідне судно «Садко», інші експедиційні кораблі вирушають на пошуки затонулого материка Гондвана. Відважні дослідники потрапляють у...

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The Bone Clocks скачать
The Bone ClocksМитчелл Дэвид Стивен

Following a scalding row with her mother, fifteen-year-old Holly Sykes slams the door on her old life. But Holly is no typical teenage runaway: a sensitive child once...

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