Something Rotten is the fourth installment of the Thursday Next series and she returns to her parallel universe of England in 1988 along with her son, Friday, and...
An enormous tidal wave on the west coast of North America has just killed thousands. Lenie Clarke, in a black wetsuit, walks out of the ocean onto a Pacific Northwest...
Paleontologist Richard Leyster has achieved professional nirvana: a position with the Smithsonian Museum plus a groundbreaking dinosaur fossil site he can research,...
Mary Doria Russell's debut novel, The Sparrow, took us on a journey to a distant planet and into the center of the human soul. A critically acclaimed bestseller, The...
Returned to the Earth of 2037 by the Firstborn, mysterious beings of almost limitless technological prowess, Bisesa Dutt is haunted by the memories of her five years... ReviewChina Mi?ville's novel Iron Council is the tumultuous story of the "Perpetual Train." Born from monopolists' greed and dispatched to tame the western...
This hefty novel returns to the universe of Vernor Vinge's 1993 Hugo winner A Fire Upon the Deep--but 30,000 years earlier. The story has the same sense of epic vastness...
So when civilization needs someone to run generating stations three kilometres below the surface of the Pacific, it seeks out a special sort of person for its Rifters...
"YOU PAYS YOUR MONEY...AND YOU TAKES YOUR CHANCES At least, that's what you do if your name is Tom Mishkin, and your spaceship is suddenly grounded by a mechanical...
In book after book, one outrageous adventure after another, Harry Harrison has chronicled the wild and fast-paced exploits of the universe’s greatest thief and con...
Griffen McCandles is adjusting well to running his gambling operation in the French Quarter of New Orleans and to his newfound status as head dragon. Other dragons are...
A blistering near-future thriller that will propel Richard Morgan onto the bestseller lists - a novel that will be enjoyed by any thriller reader.AwardsJohn W Campbell...
An acclaimed legend in the field of fantasy and science fiction, Lois McMaster Bujold returns to the vivid and perilous world of her previous masterworks, the Hugo...
Gateway opened on all the wealth of the Universe… and on reaches of unimaginable horror. When prospector Bob Broadhead went out to Gateway on the Heechee spacecraft, he...
Skeeve the Magnificent, magician to kings and King of Magicians, Businessman and Problem-Solver Extraordinaire, has come out of retirement. And he’s set up shop in the...
ПОДОРОЖ ДО ЕЛЬДОРАДО, що затьмарила пригоди всіх уславлених мандрівників - од Амеріго Веспуччі до Тура Хейєрдала включно
Scott Warden is a man haunted by the past — and soon to be haunted by the future. In early twenty-first-century Thailand, Scott is an expatriate slacker. Then, one day,...
Crashlander Beowulf Shaeffer has long been one of the most popular characters in Known Space. Now, for the first time ever, Larry Niven brings together all the Beowulf...
Fans of John Scalzi's "Old Man" universe, prepare yourselves: there's a long new story in that universe, told from the point of view of one of the series' most... ReviewWhen talking about this book you have to list the awards it's won-the Hugo, the Tiptree, the Lambda, the Locus, a Nebula nomination-after that you can...
The Ghost Brigades are the Special Forces of the Colonial Defense Forces, elite troops created from the DNA of the dead and turned into the perfect soldiers for the...
They took her clothes and sneakers. They dressed her in a long red gown. And they shackled her to the wall of an abandoned mansion-within easy reach of a figure stirring...
Dangerous Love…A Stranger Arrives…Isabel: From the moment she hears the roar of Nikolas's motorcycle, she's hooked. This new guy in town seems to know exactly how she...
In this wildly disorienting funhouse of a novel, populated by God-like—or perhaps Satanic—takeover artists and corporate psychics, Philip K. Dick explores mysteries that...
Роман «Кінець Вічності» описує діяльність організації під назвою «Вічність», що існує поза часом. До її складу входять спеціально навчені і відібрані люди з різних...
THE HARD WAY Roger Ramius Sergei Alexander Chiang McClintock hasn't done anything the easy way. The spoiled playboy prince grew up the hard way on the planet Marduk....
An award-winning novel set in the post-apocalyptic future follows a young woman who travels the earth healing the sick with the help of her alien companion, the...
When the Viking lander on the planet Minerva was destroyed, sending back one last photo of a strange alien being, scientists on Earth were flabbergasted. And so a joint...
Max is out of control. He's lying to his friends, ignoring his family and has even turned on Liz. Has Max completely lost his mind…or is Max not really Max at all?Liz...
Micheal: He's still having flashbacks of his escape from the underground compound. Only Cameron, the mysterious girl he met behind bars, seems to understand him--and...
Повість «Злочинна цивілізація» з разючою силою показує, до яких згубних наслідків — і для суспільства в цілому, й для людини —призводить конформізм, беззастережна...
Isabel has run away from home, and Max knows that her life is in danger. He has to find her and save her, but time is ticking away.Alex is back on Earth, and he's a...
Ill luck made Roger Torraway the subject of the Man Plus Programe, but it was deliberate biological engineering which turned him into a monster — a machine perfectly...
In this science fiction classic (1962) based on Hothouse, Hugo Best Short Story Winner of 1962, we are transported millions of years from now, to the boughs of a...
Life will never be the same…Max is dying. No one wants to believe it, but he knows it's true. And as the end draws closer, he can only think of one thing: Who will...
Jack Holloway works alone, for reasons he doesn't care to talk about. Hundreds of miles from ZaraCorp's headquarters on planet, 178 light-years from the...
This classic work of science fiction is widely considered to be the ultimate time-travel novel. When Daniel Eakins inherits a time machine, he soon realizes that he has...
"A fitting tribute to a great philosophical writer who found science fiction the ideal form tor the expression of his ideas."– The IndependentSecond Variety is the third...
It started a long time ago (in a galaxy far, far away), back in 1969, when British author Brian W. Aldiss published a short story in Harper's Bazaar, entitled “Supertoys...