Фантастика стр. 247

The Storm скачать
The StormCussler Clive

In the middle of the Indian Ocean, a NUMA research vessel is taking water samples at sunset, when a crew member spots a sheen of black oil ahead of them. But it is not...

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Death Match скачать
Death MatchClancy Tom

The latest, greatest, high-tech thrill ride for Tom Clancy's legion of young fans.The amateurs are beating the pros in this year's spatball playoffs-and some big...

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Gameprey скачать
GamepreyClancy Tom

A computer game convention becomes a hunting ground when the monsters from a new game escape--and attack the Net Force Explorers in virtual reality!

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Принц Ґаллії скачать
Принц ҐалліїАвраменко Олег Евгеньевич, Авраменко Валентин

...Історична фантастика? Фантастична історія?.. Мабуть, і те й інше. Книга написана як цілком традиційний авантюрно-історичний роман з усіма його неодмінними атрибутами —...

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Locked On скачать
Locked OnClancy Tom, Greaney Mark

Privately training with special forces, he’s honing his combat skills to continue his work within the Campus, hunting down and eliminating terrorists wherever he can—even...

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Awakenings скачать
AwakeningsSacks Oliver

Awakenings--which inspired the major motion picture--is the remarkable story of a group of patients who contracted sleeping-sickness during the great epidemic just after...

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A Rising Thunder скачать
A Rising ThunderWeber David

Peril and strife strike on a double front for Honor Harrington and company. After a brutal attack on the Manticoran home system, Honor Harrington and the Star Kingdom she...

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Dead or Alive скачать
Dead or AliveClancy Tom

After almost a decade, Tom Clancy—the acknowledged master of international intrigue and non-stop military action—returns to the world he knows better than anyone: a world...

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Visions of Heat скачать
Visions of HeatSingh Nalini

Go deeper into the world of the Psy and the changelings, where a gifted woman sees passion in her future—a passion that is absolutely forbidden by her kind...Used to cold...

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Moon Craving скачать
Moon CravingMonroe Lucy

If it were up to him, Talorc—laird of the Sinclair clan and leader of his werewolf pack—would never marry. But when the king orders that Talorc wed an Englishwoman, the...

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The Mirage скачать
The MirageRuff Matt

A mind-bending novel in which an alternate history of 9/11 and its aftermath uncovers startling truths about America and the Middle East11/9/2001: Christian...

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Bloodring скачать
BloodringFaith Hunter

In a novel filled with lush imagery and exhilarating action, Faith Hunter creates a near-future world caught in the throes of an ambiguous apocalypse-where a woman with...

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The Island and Other Stories скачать
The Island and Other StoriesPeter Watts

A Creative Commons-licensed collection of science fiction short stories and novellas by Peter Watts (including the Hugo-winning 'The Island' and Hugo-nominated 'The...

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The Sundering скачать
The SunderingWalter Jon Williams

The alien Naxids have won a shattering victory at Magaria, a victory that clears the way for an advance on the loyalist capital, Zanshaa. Lord Gareth Martinez comes to...

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Спадкоємець скачать
СпадкоємецьМарина и Сергей Дяченко, Дяченко Сергій

Всі сім’ї щасливі однаково, зате нещастя у кожного своє. Здавалося б, у родині Егерта Солля усі нещастя залишилися позаду: завдяки шраму, що довгий час спотворював...

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One King's Way скачать
One King's WayHarrison Harry

A craftsman, visionary, and warrior, Shef has risen from slavery to become king of a mighty Viking nation. But his growing kingdom menaces all of Europe, and he has made...

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Moon Awakening скачать
Moon AwakeningMonroe Lucy

When Emily Hamilton`s family is ordered to send a woman to the Scottish highlands for marriage to the laird of the Sinclair, Emily volunteers in order to save her younger...

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BattleTech: Остров благословенных скачать
BattleTech: Остров благословенныхМоен Стивен

Книга серии BattleTech/Боевые роботы. 3072 года. Битва за планету Новый Авалон, Слово Блейка против Федеративных Солнц.

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The Mountains of Mourning скачать
The Mountains of MourningBujold Lois Mcmaster

Майлз Форкосиган вынужден проводить расследование безжалостного убийства ребенка мутанта, рискуя собственной жизнью. Сам в детстве чудом избежавший гибели, он дерзает...

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Op Center скачать
Op CenterClancy Tom

Op-Center is the nation's heart of intelligence and crisis management. Sometimes, it's the only place our government can turn.

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Acts Of War скачать
Acts Of WarClancy Tom

Tom Clancy and Steve Pieczenik are About to Declare War on the Competition. . . . THE OBJECTIVE:A fourth consecutive New York Times bestseller for Tom Clancy's...

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into the Storm скачать
into the StormClancy Tom

In his brilliant, bestselling novels, Tom Clancy has explored the most dramatic military and security issues of our time. Now he takes readers deep into the operational...

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Carpe Diem скачать
Carpe DiemLee Sharon, Miller Steve

On the run from assassins, Val Con yos’Phelium and Miri Robertson are stranded on a distant planet and must learn to trust each other if they’re going to survive—and...

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Dear Devil скачать
Dear DevilRussel Eric

From Robert Silverberg’s “Earthmen and Strangers” anthology, 1966: Eric Frank Russell is a towering Englishman whose first science-fiction stories were published in...

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River of Smoke скачать
River of SmokeGhosh Amitav

In Amitav Ghosh's Sea of Poppies, the Ibis began its treacherous journey across the Indian Ocean, bound for the cane fields of Mauritius with a cargo of indentured...

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Заборонені чари скачать
Заборонені чариАвраменко Олег Евгеньевич

...Природа не стоїть на місці, і людина, яка вона є, не вінець її творіння. Одного разу еволюція зробила черговий стрибок, і породила людей, здатних керувати...

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Courageous скачать
CourageousCampbell Jack

\nThe Lost Fleet: Courageous (2007) is the third book in Jack Campbell's The Lost Fleet series.\n

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Час смертохристів. Міражі 2077 скачать
Час смертохристів. Міражі 2077Щербак Юрій Миколайович

Надзвичайно цікавий, із захоплюючою інтригою роман Юрія Щербака є гостросюжетним політичним трилером, дія якого розгортається напередодні Четвертої глобальної війни. У...

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20 000 років під кригою скачать
20 000 років під кригоюЙокаи Мор

В романі «20 000 років під кригою» письменник з гумором і тонкою іронією розповідає про пригоди матроса австро-угорської арктичної експедиції, який випадково...

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Т. 12 Фрайди скачать
Т. 12 ФрайдиХайнлайн Роберт Энсон




Фрайди — девушка непростая. Она с легкостью уходит от слежки, способна убивать голыми руками и выносить нечеловеческие пытки, а также обладает...

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Natural Selection скачать
Natural SelectionМайкл А. Стакпол

In this high-tech military thriller--based on Battletech, the most successful Science Fiction role-playing game of all time--Red Corsair and her raiding bandits...

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Falcon Guard скачать
Falcon GuardТорстон Роберт

From the creator of the bestselling Battlestar Galactica series. After demonstrating his valor in battle, Aiden earned the highly coveted Bloodname and became a...

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Anvil of Stars скачать
Anvil of StarsБир Грег

The Ship of Law was made of the fragments of Earth's corpse, a world in itself, cruising massively close to the speed of light, hundreds of years from the dust and...

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Lost Destiny скачать
Lost DestinyМайкл А. Стакпол

Neither the Clans nor the Great Houses of the Inner Sphere are ready to become ComStar's puppets. And within ComStar's upper echelon a new power struggle is about to...

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Blood Legacy скачать
Blood LegacyМайкл А. Стакпол

Jaime Wolf has brought all the key leaders of the Inner Sphere together at his base on Outreach in an attempt to put to rest old blood feuds and power struggles. For...

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Coupe скачать
CoupeМайкл А. Стакпол

As Prince Hanse Davion's forces proclaim one victory after another through the Capellan Confederation, the empire of Maximillian Liso seems certain to fall. But within...

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Riposte скачать
RiposteМайкл А. Стакпол

After being safely rescued in Warrior: En Garde, the heir-apparent of the Lyran Commonwealth can now wed the prince of the Federated Suns, which would seal the most...

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New Frontier Omnibus скачать
New Frontier Omnibus David Peter


House of Cards

Sector 221-G: For the whole of Federation history, this large area of space has been controlled by the Thallonians, a cruel, militaristic race of...

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Killing Time скачать
Killing TimeDella Van Hise

Second History: a Romulan time-tampering project that has transported the Enterprise and the galaxy into an alternate dimension of reality. Now, Kirk is an embittered...

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Чаша огня скачать
Чаша огняДмитрюк Сергей Борисович

Он родился с долгом в сердце. Он обличен властью, доверенной ему другими людьми. Он стоит на страже закона, чтящего бесценность человеческой жизни и торжество Добра...

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