In the astonishing finale to the His Dark Materials trilogy, Lyra and Will are in unspeakable danger. With help from Iorek Byrnison the armored bear and two tiny Gallivespian spies, they must journey to a dank and gray-lit world where no living soul has ever gone. All the while, Dr. Mary Malone builds a magnificent Amber Spyglass. An assassin hunts her down, and Lord Asriel, with a troop of shining angels, fights his mighty rebellion, in a battle of strange allies—and shocking sacrifice. As war rages and Dust drains from the sky, the fate of the living—and the dead—finally comes to depend on two children and the simple truth of one simple story.
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Удивительный мир фэнтези ждёт читателей на страницах книги «The Amber Spyglass» Pullman Philip. Обращая внимание на многие глубокие вопросы современности, автор делится с нами своими ощущениями и переживаниями. Тонкое описание отношений между героями, продуманный сюжет и завораживающие пейзажи произведения определенно вызовут интерес читателя.
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This special edition of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone has a gorgeous new cover illustration by Kazu Kibuishi. Inside is the full text of the original novel, with...
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Первый роман саги повествует о землянине 20-го века Джоне Дейкере, которому начинают сниться сны, что его зовут люди из другого мира. Через некоторое время он...
Percy Jackson is about to be kicked out of boarding school... again. And that's the least of his troubles. Lately, mythological monsters and the gods of Mount Olympus...
The Silmarillion is an account of the Elder Days, of the First Age of Tolkien's World. It is the ancient drama to which the characters in The Lord of the Rings look...
Для тех кому не терпится почитать продолжение... Детали здесь: Слегка отформатировано.
Roger Zelazny's chronicles of Amber have earned their place as all-time classics of imaginative literature. Now, here are all ten novels, together in one magnificent...
Told in Kvothe's own voice, this is the tale of the magically gifted young man who grows to be the most notorious wizard his world has ever seen.The intimate narrative...
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