A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian

A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian

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For years, Nadezhda and Vera, two Ukrainian sisters, raised in England by their refugee parents, have had as little as possible to do with each other-and they have their reasons. But now they find they’d better learn how to get along, because since their mother’s death their aging father has been sliding into his second childhood, and an alarming new woman has just entered his life.

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Сталкиваясь с ежедневными стрессовыми ситуациями и изнурительными нагрузками, человеку в современном мире просто необходимо уметь снимать душевное напряжение. Среди наиболее действенных способов - чтение книг. Книги обладают магической силой погружать читателя в иные миры, время и даже пространства, отвлекая от многих повседневных проблем.

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