Триллеры стр. 42

The Doomsday Key скачать
The Doomsday KeyRollins James

At Princeton University, a famed geneticist dies inside a biohazard lab. In Rome, a Vatican archaeologist is found dead in St. Peter's Basilica. In Africa, a U.S....

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The Appeal скачать
The AppealGrisham John

Politics has always been a dirty game.Now justice is, too.In a crowded courtroom in Mississippi, a jury returns a shocking verdict against a chemical company accused of...

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The Hit скачать
The HitDavid Baldacci

The trap is set. Failure is not an option. When government hit man Will Robie is given his next target he knows he's about to embark on his toughest mission yet. He is...

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The Red Pyramid скачать
The Red PyramidRiordan Rick

Since their mother's death, Carter and Sadie have become near strangers. While Sadie has lived with her grandparents in London, her brother has traveled the world with...

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The Brass Verdict скачать
The Brass VerdictConnelly Michael

Things are finally looking up for defense attorney Mickey Haller. After two years of wrong turns, Haller is back in the courtroom. When Hollywood lawyer Jerry Vincent is...

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The Vanished Man скачать
The Vanished ManDeaver Jeffery

The New York Times bestselling author of The Stone Monkey is back with a brilliant thriller that pits forensic criminologist Lincoln Rhyme and his partner, Amelia Sachs,...

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The Wrong Mother скачать
The Wrong MotherHannah Sophie

"Gripping." – Tana French***A chilling exploration of a mother's unspeakable betrayal from the author of Little FaceSally Thorning is watching the news with her husband...

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Extraction скачать
ExtractionДуглас Престон & Линкольн Чайлд

From #1 New York Times bestselling authors Preston & Child, an all-new short story featuring Agent Pendergast, available only as an ebook and audio download.


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Бегущие во мраке скачать
Бегущие во мракеГорман Эд

Хмурым дождливым вечером десятки тысяч американцев спешили к экранам телевизоров, чтобы стать, свидетелями дебатов по вопросу о смертной казни между окружным прокурором...

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Assegai скачать
AssegaiWilbur Smith

In 1913 Leon Courtney, an ex-soldier turned professional hunter in British East Africa, guides rich and powerful men from America and Europe on big game safaris in the...

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In High Places скачать
In High PlacesHailey Arthur

Public images clash with private lives. Ruthless ambition collides with forbidden desires at the very summit of a powerful nation's government. A crisis of terrifying...

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Gone скачать
GoneKellerman Jonathan

No one conducts a more chilling, suspenseful, thoroughly engrossing tour through the winding corridors of criminal behavior and the secret chambers of psychopathology...

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Alex Cross’s Trial скачать
Alex Cross’s TrialPatterson James, DiLallo Richard

The year is 1906, and America is segregated. Hatred and discrimination plague the streets, the classroom, and the courts. But in Washington D.C., Ben Corbett, a smart...

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Gone Tomorrow скачать
Gone TomorrowChild Lee

New York City. Two in the morning. A subway car heading uptown. Jack Reacher, plus five other passengers. Four are okay. The fifth isn’t.In the next few tense seconds...

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Vanish скачать
VanishTess Gerritsen

"exciting and mesmerizing crime thriller"Boston Homicide Detective Jane Rizzoli is about to give birth but she still performs her job by testifying against a man she...

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Bitten скачать
BittenArmstrong Kelley

It's not easy to find a fresh angle for the werewolf theme, but this debut novel from a Canadian writer proves that solid storytelling and confident craftsmanship can...

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Современный итальянский детектив. Выпуск 2 скачать
Современный итальянский детектив. Выпуск 2Раццини Вьери, Гримальди Лаура

Второй выпуск современного итальянского детектива включает два психологических романа-триллера. В одном речь идет об убийце-маньяке (повествование построено на...

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Без вопросов и сожаления скачать
Без вопросов и сожаленияЛатова Светлана Александровна

— Кто они? — Для тебя — просто работа. Нажимай на курок и ни о чем не спрашивай. Работа должна выполняться без вопросов и сожалений.

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Проект Дэт-рок скачать
Проект Дэт-рок Михайлов Степан Викторович

Как-то раз человек в галстуке выступил перед камерами, микрофонами и высказался: - На какие жертвы мы готовы пойти для поддержания мира во всем мире? Застрелиться,...

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Преисподняя скачать
ПреисподняяУильямсон Чет

Действие фантастического триллера популярного американского писателя Ч. Уильямсона развивается в Америке 2095 года. Диктатор Солюкс, провозглашённый императором,...

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Не Идеальная скачать
Не ИдеальнаяТонян Лаура, Грэйс Мейра

Александра Аддерли совершила ошибку, решив, что людям можно доверять. И эта ошибка стоила Хантеру О`Брайану свободы. Парень сидит в тюрьме, пока девушка, которой он...

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Подвиг, 1972 г., том 5 скачать
Подвиг, 1972 г., том 5Льюис Норман, Трю Энтони Фрэнсис

Читайте в пятом томе приложения «ПОДВИГ» 1972 года произведения английского и южноафриканского писателей:

• повесть Нормана Льюиса «ОХОТА В ЛАГАРТЕРЕ» (Norman...

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Группа «Альфа» скачать
Группа «Альфа»Ричард Марсинко, Джон Вейсман

Сверхсекретная американская радиоэлектронная система «Большой брат» попадает в руки стремящейся к глобальному превосходству китайской разведки. В борьбу с ней вступает...

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The Girl who played with Fire скачать
The Girl who played with FireLarsson Stieg

Stieg Larsson gleaned a remarkable degree of success before his too-early death in 2004. He had delivered to his publisher three remarkable crime novels; the initial...

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Time Bomb скачать
Time BombKellerman Jonathan

The cheerful chaos of a California schoolyard is shattered one autumn day by gunfire. No children are hurt, but a sniper is shot down – and psychologist Dr Alex Delaware...

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House Rules скачать
House RulesPicoult Jodie

The astonishing new novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Jodi Picoult about a family torn apart by an accusation of murder.They tell me I'm lucky to have a...

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By A Spider`s Thread скачать
By A Spider`s ThreadLippman Laura

After her brilliant stand-alone thriller EVERY SECRET THING (it has received stunning reviews in the US and increased her sales by 35%) Lippman returns to her wonderful...

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Восьмой грех скачать
Восьмой грехВанденберг Филипп

От мастера археологического триллера! История на грани реальности и вымысла. Бесценные реликвии, загадочные смерти помогут тайному братству постичь суть восьмого греха.

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The Manticore скачать
The ManticoreDavies Robertson

Hailed by the Washington Post Book World as "a modern classic," Robertson Davies's acclaimed Deptford Trilogy is a glittering, fantastical, cunningly contrived series...

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Мастер Страшного Суда скачать
Мастер Страшного СудаЛео Перуц

Лео Перуц - знаменитый австрийский писатель-экспрессионист, работавший в жанре "магического реализма". "Мастер Страшного суда" - самый известный роман Лео Перуца. В...

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Единственный, кто знает скачать
Единственный, кто знаетПатрик Бовен

"Марион Марш, студентка медицинского колледжа, влюбляется в блистательного хирурга Натана Чесса. В разгар их романа он внезапно бесследно исчезает. Навсегда. Прошло...

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The Thief скачать
The ThiefCussler Clive, Scott Justin

On the ocean liner Mauretania, two European scientists with a dramatic new invention are barely rescued from abduction by the Van Dorn Detective Agency's intrepid...

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Blindsight скачать
BlindsightRobin Cook

When a series of unrelated "yuppie" deaths by cocaine overdose are reported to the Medical Examiner's office, Dr Engler's curiosity is aroused. As the...

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Skeleton Key скачать
Skeleton KeyAnthony Horowitz

Sharks. Assassins. Nuclear bombs. Alex Rider's in deep water.Reluctant teenage superspy Alex Rider is useful to MI6 in ways an adult never could be. Now they need his...

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Debt of Honor скачать
Debt of HonorClancy Tom

Clancy's hero Jack Ryan fights to defend the USA against economic sabotage from the East. Called out of retirement to serve as the new National Security Advisor, Ryan...

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The Man from St. Petersburg скачать
The Man from St. PetersburgFollett Ken

Feliks came to London to commit a murder that would change history. He had many weapons at his command, but his most dangerous were the love of a innocent woman, and the...

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The Illuminatus! Trilogy скачать
The Illuminatus! TrilogyRobert Shea, Robert Anton Wilson

Filled with sex and violence - in and out of time and space - the three books in this trilogy are only partly works of the imagination. They tackle the cover-ups of our...

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The Last Oracle скачать
The Last Oracle Rollins James

In Washington, D.C., a homeless man takes an assassin's bullet and dies in Commander Gray Pierce's arms. A bloody coin clutched in the dead man's hand?an ancient relic...

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Sins & Shadows скачать
Sins & ShadowsBenedict Lyn

Sylvie Lightner is no ordinary P.I. She specializes in cases involving the unusual, in a world where magic is real — and where death isn't the worst thing that can...

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The Likeness скачать
The LikenessTana French

Detective Cassie Maddox is still trying to deal with the events of "In the Woods". She is out of the Murder Squad and has started a relationship with fellow detective...

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