Боевики стр. 25

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Blood and Honor скачать
Blood and HonorGriffin W. E. b.

Argentina, April 1943: World War II rages in clandestine battles both sides deny--but neither can afford to lose. A Nazi plot threatens to overthrow the government and...

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Checkmate скачать
Checkmate Michaels David

Третья книга по игре "Splinter cell". главный герой Сэм Фишер секретный агент "третьего эшелона".

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Operation Barracuda скачать
Operation Barracuda Michaels David

Вторая книга по игре "Splinter cell". главный герой Сэм Фишер секретный агент "третьего эшелона".

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Останній дон скачать
Останній донМарио Пьюзо

Mapio П'юзо — сучасний американський письменник. Під час другої світової війни був солдатом американської армії. Закінчив Колумбійський університет. Прославився...

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Тонкие грани скачать
Тонкие грани Кири Кирико

Последний рывок, последний враг на пути к неоспоримой власти. А дальше полный контроль над криминалом большого города. Но мало захватить его, надо ещё и усидеть на троне...

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Панна Катажина скачать
Панна КатажинаЗеев Артур

Спецслужбы Москвы взбудоражены: было совершено покушение на генерала Смысловского, главу Особого управления. Его подчинённый ранним утром врывается в РКУ, чтобы сообщить...

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Angelmaker скачать
AngelmakerHarkaway Nick

From the acclaimed author of The Gone-Away World, blistering gangster noir meets howling absurdist comedy as the forces of good square off against the forces of evil, and...

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Seal Team Seven скачать
Seal Team SevenDouglass Keith

As twin torpedoes from a renegade Iranian sub streak into the hull of their escort ship, the crew of the Yuduki Maru looks on in horror...Their cargo includes two tons...

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Отпущение грехов скачать
Отпущение греховСерегин Михаил Георгиевич

Прямо на отца Василия шла стена огня, пожирая камыш. А сверху выжидающе кружил вертолет: выскочишь – расстреляет. Вот такая она, губернаторская охота! А все оттого, что...

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Battle Mask скачать
Battle MaskPendleton Don

War hero Mack Bolan, wearing a new Sicilian-style face fashioned for him by a plastic surgeon and ex-war buddy, infiltrates the inner family of the Mafia. Aided by the...

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Continental Contract скачать
Continental ContractPendleton Don

The largest private gun squad in history follows Bolan to France, only to find the war has started without them, and 20 dead Frenchmen are mute testimony to the...

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The Mystic Arts of Erasing All Signs of Death скачать
The Mystic Arts of Erasing All Signs of DeathHuston Charlie

Webster Filmore Goodhue has found temporary work as one of the mop-up crew for the L.A. county crime division. In other words, he cleans up grisly crime scenes for the...

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Chicago Wipe-Out скачать
Chicago Wipe-OutPendleton Don

Mack Bolan faces the battle of his life as he invades the nerve-center of the Mafias powerful U.S. Operations.

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Assault on Soho скачать
Assault on SohoPendleton Don

Mack Bolan, Americas one-man army, rocks London in his war on the Mafia.

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Council of Kings скачать
Council of KingsPendleton Don

The bloody trail of a loansharking operation in Oregon leads Mack Bolan to a massive shipload of illegal arms bound for Portland.Bolan refuses to consider the cost in...

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California Hit скачать
California HitPendleton Don

The sunny Golden Gate city finds out what the Executioner is all about when he explodes into their midst, hot on the trail of the inner enemy and "Mr. King," the...

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Cairo Countdown скачать
Cairo CountdownStivers Dick

The U.S. maintained a top-secret air-force base in Cairo. And it operated right out of the international airport!Suddenly a terrorist rampage threatened to reveal the...

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Sunscream скачать
SunscreamPendleton Don

The KGB makes an offer to the European Mafia that it cannot refuse: create a single worldwide syndicate in return for an unlimited arms supply.The Russians believe that...

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Run to Ground скачать
Run to GroundPendleton Don

A private army of killers bursts across the Mexican border into Arizona, seeking revenge for an attack on their narcotics stronghold. They discover their quarry holed up...

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Savannah Swingsaw скачать
Savannah SwingsawPendleton Don

The Executioner poses as a convict to spring a man marked for death by a mystery assassin.Mack Bolan wants to know why a petty embezzler is the target of an...

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The Man of Bronze скачать
The Man of BronzeRobeson Kenneth

Clark Savage, Jr. the inspiration for Superman and James Bond, along with Renny, Johnny, Ham, Monk and Long Tom, as they journey to Central America to reclaim Doc's...

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Deathbites скачать
DeathbitesStivers Dick

Terrorist death squads wipe out three leading U.S. computer research facilities and push America to the precipice of computer chaos.The program was always the same —...

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The Violent Streets скачать
The Violent StreetsPendleton Don

The call to Mack Bolan is urgent, almost frantic. Rosario Blancanaless kid sister, Toni, has been raped and beaten — but at least she is still alive, unlike the five...

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Into the Maze скачать
Into the MazeStivers Dick

A new heroin syndicate, using military weapons and a faction of the Mexican army, has eliminated all the other gangs in Mexico. Their operation now stands...

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Beirut Payback скачать
Beirut PaybackPendleton Don

Mack Bolan learns that archenemy Greb Strakhov is in Lebanon. The Executioner has a personal vendetta with the KGB terror merchant.Bolans mission is twofold: to settle...

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Save the Children скачать
Save the ChildrenPendleton Don

Someone is stealing America's children, and the disappearances are shattering the structure of U.S. Society, leaving families in total despair.With the police and...

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Doomsday Disciples скачать
Doomsday DisciplesPendleton Don

Using the American tradition of freedom of religion as a smoke screen, a cultist group had gone mad in the streets of San Francisco. People were being slaughtered in the...

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They Came to Kill скачать
They Came to KillStivers Dick

After the ambush-murders of a Central Intelligency Agency surveillance unit, Able Team flies to Lebanon with instructions to "arrest or terminate" a renegade U.S. Marine...

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Разборки в Японском море скачать
Разборки в Японском море Серегин Михаил Георгиевич

Современные пираты – лихие ребята. Уж к команде Рока это относится на все сто. А помимо того, что они рискуют своими шкурами ради добычи, им не чужды и благородные...

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Appointment in Kabul скачать
Appointment in KabulPendleton Don

The Russians want Afghanistan.But not its people.And a soviet cannibal has found a weapon to annihilate the populace — a chemical called Devils Rain.With intell supplied...

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Warlord of Azatlan скачать
Warlord of AzatlanStivers Dick

Dispatched by the President to investigate a multimillion-dollar weapons-for-drugs exchange, Able Team probed deep into the wilds of Guatemala. There, The Executioner' s...

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Army of Devils скачать
Army of DevilsStivers Dick

As incidents of frenzied murder and mutilation terrorize Los Angeles, police chemists discover a new drug sweeping through the gang subculture."Crazy dust" — a variant...

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The Hostaged Island скачать
The Hostaged IslandPendleton Don, Stivers Dick

Seventy-two filthy, vicious motorcycle hoodlums have taken over the fantasy isle of Catalina off the coast of Los Angeles. Their hostages are the island s seventeen...

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Baltimore Trackdown скачать
Baltimore TrackdownPendleton Don

A police chief betrays his code of honor to the Mafia and tries to persuade fellow officers to accept money from the Mob. Those who refuse are killed.Through all his...

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Tower of Terror скачать
Tower of TerrorPendleton Don, Stivers Dick

A Wall Street skyscraper had been invaded. Hostages were being held — and, with them, enough confidential banking data to imperil the entire world.Ugly, city-wide panic...

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Balance of Power скачать
Balance of PowerMurphy Warren, Sapir Richard

Remo and Chiun must focus on the dizzy series of events connecting the banana republic of Hispania, the Peaches of Mecca, and a luscious blonde named Gloria X. The...

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The Devil in Pew Number Seven скачать
The Devil in Pew Number SevenAlonzo Rebecca, Demoss Bob

Rebecca never felt safe as a child. In 1969, her father, Robert Nichols, moved to Sellerstown, North Carolina, to serve as a pastor. There he found a small community...

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Black Ops скачать
Black OpsGriffin W. E. b.

The first disturbing report reaches Presidential Agent Charley Castillo as he sits down for Christmas Day dinner. The caller on the Virginia safe house’s secure line...

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Honor Bound скачать
Honor BoundGriffin W. E. b.

As part of an American mission to sabotage Argentinean arms trading with the Nazis, a young U.S. Marine must deceive his own father, a powerful Argentinian known as...

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The Shooters скачать
The ShootersGriffin W. E. b.

As Presidential Agent C.G. Castillo ties up loose ends in Argentina from his investigation into the U.N. oil-for-food scandal, an Army lieutenant assigned to the United...

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